
I am not a scammer and I always try to stop scammers from scamming. I have been scammed more then once and I know it hurts. Here is a list of scammers. Also I will need proof to add someone on this list, such as a video.

1:  Soildblue02      I have heard more then one report of him scamming.

Okay. This person  apparently thought I was stupid. This is a few screenshot of them I took.
They said they could double my Spike but said that I needed to accept their trade. -.- It was alame trade for my worn.
ANYWHO I didn't and told them the pics I took of them were going on my blog. So here they are.

So avoid Princejakbo

Weird username if you ask me.

Otttayyyy.. another scammmer. I have seen many people who got scammed by this loser.

I was looking at another blog while doing this. you should check it out It's Breathless's blog I belive.

Long story short, I told them he is a scammer.
Beware, he does have a spike collar so don't be fooled. "he likely scammed it -.-"
So, report Spikewristbands.


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