Sunday, September 15, 2013

Den Contest!

Hi everyone! I'm going to be doing a contest! Its a den contest. The theme I'm looking for is hangout place. Make a form like this.        

Member or nonmember:
What your den is called:

Once you submit an entry, keep your den like that until I comment that I have seen it.
Anyone can enter.  A member and nonmember will be picked as winners. They will both get a cool prize. If you don't win, that's okay! You can always enter the next den.contest!



  1. Fun contests!!!! Yay!!!! :D

  2. ya u know my username loveduck1 p.s I got to go and can not figure out a mane so I tell u later


Rulez For Commenting:

1: No Spam! I will remove your comment if you advertise some random junk.

2: No hateful or mean comments! If you don't like what I post, find a new blog. If you don't like what someone comments, keep your thoughts to yourself.

3: Don't eat pasta near me, or it will be gone.