Monday, November 4, 2013


YAAAY! I've gotten over 1000 views! I'd like to thank everyone for coming to this blog! As a thanks, I will be hosting a party! Friday or Saturday Evening. More details to come!


  1. *Noms Pasta* Oh, Hey Sparky ^.^ Wait...THE RULES O.O I FORGOT! *Barfs* Here's your pasta =(

    1. Thank you for obeying the rules! Now I won't have to mug you for it ^^ -takes pasta and runs off-


Rulez For Commenting:

1: No Spam! I will remove your comment if you advertise some random junk.

2: No hateful or mean comments! If you don't like what I post, find a new blog. If you don't like what someone comments, keep your thoughts to yourself.

3: Don't eat pasta near me, or it will be gone.