Sunday, April 7, 2013


Here is a guide to the April Fools Day party! (click to enlarge images)

Here I am arriving!
Coming in...
Climbing the stairs... 
Thetas one big Phantom statue! 
Another giant phantom thing! I'm at the top... or am I at the bottom? I don't know!
Going down the ladder.. Look at all the confetti! Wonder where it's coming from.
I'm in the sky! Or am I on the ground? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!?! 
And here's what you can buy! The bottem three are blank for everyone. I''ll show you them in a second.
A few more upside-down items...

And! as promised, here are the items! Wacky item, zany item, and silly item.

Here's what they do.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great tour! I'm going ASAP! I LIKE TRAINS -SnowySnowCrystals


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