Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Crystal Creatures

There are some new items it epic wonders! They are expensive, as usual. They are crystal creatures!
Anyways, the two so far are Greely and another one... I'm sure it will come to me. Anyways, if you don't know, I LOVE Greely! He's so cool. My second favorite is peck. I hope there will be a peck statue soon!

This is off topic, but if you come to this blog, PLEASE leave a comment. It will make me happy. :)
I spend time on these posts, and it would be great if you commented. Thanks. -sparky1025


  1. My favorie is Lasalle and Amelia but i like wolves to! I'm getting a account tomorow so yay! I've been reaserching all i can about Animal Jam so i'm not a Newbie when i get on thanks you've helped me alot!

    1. Why thanks! :D I will be glad to help you! I'm on usally on Fri, Sat, and sunday so send me a Jam-a-Gram (Mail) when you are on! -Sparky1025


Rulez For Commenting:

1: No Spam! I will remove your comment if you advertise some random junk.

2: No hateful or mean comments! If you don't like what I post, find a new blog. If you don't like what someone comments, keep your thoughts to yourself.

3: Don't eat pasta near me, or it will be gone.