Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm back and stuff

So hey. I've been busy for a while but i'm back. Anyways, the new diamond shop is here. THEY ARE EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL PEOPPLEEEE RAWR RWAR THY TOOK MY  RARESS  RRRRRRR NOW MY GOOD ITEMS ARE LEST RARE GRRR


Well, you can buy past member gifts. That might be great for people who don't have them but not for people who work hard for their rares! Myself, I haven't bought anything from there. I'm saving up if they get a item i really want but not likely. (if they bring spikes back I will blow a fuse)

I think items bought there should not have a rare label but items that were non store bought should.  I kinda feel bad for AJ. They try to please people but it only creates more chaos. Also I noticed something. Not all colors are for sale. for example: White and purple tail armor is not for sale (i think maybe normal green is not for sale too but ill check) THAT'S it for now. Bye bye

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